London Calling
Well I am FINALLY here. I won't go into all of the messy details, as many of you know them already, but needless to say we had a A LOT of workpermit issues. And we're not done. Unfortunately I was admitted to the UK, but Wade was not. So to make a very long story short, Wade has gone back to Cayman temporarily and is transferring to Dublin in July. Plan is to commute between London & Dublin for the next year. At least things aren't complicated!!!!
So I ended up flying to London on my own on January 24, 2007 and crashed in with a couple of our Cayman friends that are now living in London. Actually, lucky for me there is quite a large crowd of ex-Cayman people here who have welcomed me in as the newest Cayman import!

I'm living with Tanis & Casey in Canary Wharf (how suiting as it was designed by two Canadians) and slowly but surely settling into London life. The pubs accross the street from our flat certainly don't hurt! How quaint and English is that? Ah, a couple of old historic riverside pubs handily accross the street. Just had to include a picture.

Oh, and there is a wizard on our block. How cool is that? Seriously, Ian McKellen (Gandolf from Lord of the Rings) lives accross the street, conveniently between the two pubs. Tanis and I followed him into the local convenience store one day. I pretended to look at a yoghurt label while getting a better look at him, but I think I was found out as when I looked up again he was looking right back at me. Felt a little sheepish then. So much for a picture...although I did get this one of him walking down the street (you may have to enlarge it to actually see him way down the street). Honest it really is Gandolf...he's actually a lot shorter in real life without that pointy hat.

As for work, I have been hired at Goldman Sachs. Ah to be back into the ratrace again...actually feels good!!! And as for the location, couldn't be better. My office is right accross the street from St. Paul's Cathedral where I can watch the hoards of tourists load off the double decker bus each day to go on their tours. Ah, just like Cayman but now its buses instead of cruise ships. On nice days I eat my lunch in the courtyard at St. Pauls with the fountain, flowers and tons of tourists.

As for transportation, I have gotten quite used to the tube (don't dare call it a subway in London) and better yet I can take a riverboat from Canary Wharf to work. Not a bad view huh?